What is Contempt?

When it comes to a divorce, there are cases where the circumstances of one or both parties have changed. Despite the existence of the modification process, sometimes an ex-spouse does not fulfill his or her obligations without seeking modifications, resulting in being placed under contempt by the court.

Contempt means an intentional disobedience of a court order. The primary goal for contempt is to have the affected party abide the court order in the future.

Common violations which can result in contempt proceedings include the following:

  • Failure to make regularly schedule child support or alimony payments
  • Failure to make your child available for scheduled visitation
  • Failure to abide by the property division order
  • Refuse to return your child to the custodial parent after scheduled visitation time

Being held in contempt does not automatically mean you will go to jail. A judge will typically issue fines or other orders in order to enforce the terms of the divorce or custody arrangement.

Seek Legal Assistance with Anne E. Raduns, P.A.

If you are facing contempt proceedings, we can protect your rights by making sure the court orders are clear and concise, as well as gathering the evidence necessary to develop an aggressive and customized defense strategy. Our legal team can also help you seek or contest a modification.
